
Yes, J. Sandstormer is still alive.

I've been reading through the old stuff (slowly) to refresh my memory as to all the earlier adventures. It turns out that I've forgotten more things than I've remembered.

Another challenge is that when I started the blog, Sandstormer's age worked out to be 55. I do not know what I was thinking. In order to continue the blog, to write the stories I want to write, I may (I'm not sure yet) need to skip ahead more than a decade, after the fall of the Empire, for the economics to make sense. (Luke is about 12 at the beginning of this blog, I think.) That would put Sandstormer at 65 at least. I don't know enough about being 65 to write about that.

Then again, I didn't know enough about being 55 either and I didn't worry about it then. But 65 just seems like a different category to me.

On the other hand, George Lucas never let little things like that bother him. So maybe I'll skip ahead 10 or 12 years and Sandstormer will still be 55. Or 43. Whatever.

But just this minute, I thought of another way to make the economics of the thing work without having to skip a decade, so maybe I'll go that way instead, though that approach has some drawbacks to deal with as well...

Anyway. The main thing was that I just wanted to state my intention to come back to this at some point. It might be a while. (I mean, I decided back in August, but then then it took me four months to start reading, and I only got to read for about an hour.)