And now a word from...

I promise I'll get to the next post, titled "Of Dogs and Droids," soon. But first, a serious and annoyingly out-of-character pause.

Upon diagnosis, the five year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 4%. My coworker's son didn't last nearly that long (I think four months) and died a year ago at the age of 37. His by-all-accounts-excellent doctors were impressed by his "tenacity." This disease also wiped out much of Jimmy Carter's family.

I don't often pimp for charities, but an optimistic five years' warning followed by nonstop suffering (for you
and your family) is hard to comprehend. In the unlikely event you have a few extra nickels you don't know what to do with, keep that in mind. Think of what you were doing five years ago, and how short a time that was even if you are in the habit of living each day as if it is your last.


PJ said...
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PJ said...

(I mis-spoke in my last post)As a diabetic, I am intimately and acutely aware of my pancreas, and a friend recently went through a very bad scare when her son was diagnosed with pancreatitis, which they had mistaken for pancreatic cancer. Thanks to proper treatment administered early, he's doing well. Thank you for sharing the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance site info.