Catching up

I still haven't really gotten the hang of this blogging thing. I need to post more regularly, because if I don't, stuff piles up.

I didn't mean to be offline for so long, but it has been a BUSY week. Here's my executive summary:

1. My visit at the Darklighters' was lengthened by what the weather people are now describing as the worst sandstorm in ten years. I've been on this planet for 40 years and it hasn't been that bad for as long as I can remember. Fortunately, the Darklighters have a great repulsor system so we didn't get stuck. I left their place two days later than expected (waiting for the storm to let up a bit) and was relieved to see that my repulsor field had held up more or less okay too. One-Onegee made up the difference with our trusty shovel. I get frustrated with that droid, but I have to admit I couldn't get along without it.

2. I had no idea the Darklighters were so cool. Or so smart. Or so crazy. Seriously, it was great staying with them and getting to know them, but it was also pretty great getting home. The Hutt crime stories and Empire conspiracy theories were entertaining at first, but when I realized that Kane and Dofi were serious, they kinda started giving me the creeps. That's going to have to be a post in itself. BTW, there was neither pea soup nor pea cake. The peas weren't for me at all, apparently.

3. Speaking of giving me the creeps, I've got an order in for three cases of condenser coils, two cases of humector panels, and a big box of odds and ends. Kane tells me these parts may have "fallen off the back of a freighter" and I suspect that the shipment is probably part of the "legitimate" cargo in a big spice shipment for the Hutts. I am not entirely comfortable with this arrangement, but I can't argue with the price. I am getting a huge discount, and paying next to nothing for the shipping.

4. Some of the Guild farmers want to go to Bestine for a protest. I'm thinking about it. It will depend on when they decide to go and how long it will take me to make all the repairs and upgrades I need to do.

5. Some Jawas came by trying to peddle assorted junk. They must be pretty desperate, going door to door. I can't abide those filthy creatures. One time, one of Owen's droids' probe arms broke off somewhere on their property (this is why I don't buy those cheap R5 units) and got "lost." A few days later, a Jawa came to their door wanting to sell the arm back to them. I think the neighbors and I are all pretty much in agreement that the Jawas are going to have to stop making unannounced house calls. Maybe we can make a deal with them to park their sandcrawler someplace and let us know in advance.

6. I ran into Kenobi at Tosche Station and he invited me over for tea (yes, you read that right, TEA... he's a strange guy). The weird thing was that I was with Owen at the time, and when Kenobi approached us, Owen got a look on his face like he thought they were going to have a duel. Kenobi was polite, and said that Owen should join us for tea as well, but Owen just scowled.

Well, that's the week in a frogshell. I can't wait to find out what Kenobi wants to talk about (you see, it's never JUST tea, with that guy).

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