Go Fish

It's a cruel irony that as life gets more interesting, there's less time to blog. Here's what's been happening:

A few days after our evening in Mos Eisley, Kenobi sheepishly inquired as to how much he'd told me. "Pretty much everything," I told him, but reassured him that since I couldn't remember any of it clearly, I'd be unable to blackmail him.

For a while, I did entertain a suspicion that he might be Luke's real father, but there are a lot of reasons that's crazy: for one thing, I don't think he's ever had a girlfriend, and for another, why would he ask Beru and Owen to raise his own child, but then stay on the same planet? He'd either raise the kid himself, or leave him on another planet so they can't be found together. Wouldn't you think?

Anyway, my answer seemed to satisfy him. I had come by to offer him another ride into Mos Eisley; I decided to take care of the droid registration while it was still fresh in my mind, and Kenobi's sort of on the way if I take just a slight detour. (Am I a genius? I said, "Onegee, what's the easiest way for me to get to your number plate," and he removed it himself and handed it to me. Kind of a smartass, for a droid that doesn't talk much.)

Kenobi told me that today was not a good day for me to go to Mos Eisley, and that I should go tomorrow, but he'd be busy himself.

"I'll go alone tomorrow," I agreed, and bought yet another can of that #@&% tea and went home, still a little confused.

Next day I went to Mos Eisley, and found out that the building the Imperials had been using for offices was firebombed and imploded. Unfortunately, no bureaucrats were injured - they had gone to Thee Hutt Hut for an "offsite meeting."

(Why do I have a feeling that if I had swung by Kenobi's on the way home, I would have seen an ashy speeder bike outside? Never mind.)

In other news, Kane has approached me about going in on a fish farm with him, Owen has reluctantly switched to Jedix, and Beru once again smoked her competition at the pre-Life Day bake-off with her cabbage stew.


JP Burke said...

Were the Jawas there with marshmallows?

I hate when that happens.

J. Sandstormer said...

I'm not even sure if Jawas eat.

Fire at a marshmallow factory... interesting idea.

Or, to quote Rachel Ray: "mmm... how good does THAT smell."

Anonymous said...

Fire at the marshmallow factory? Now, that is convenient. They probably already have sticks, too.

J. Sandstormer said...

That's what people like about Mos Eisley: convenience!

Anonymous said...

One time, at Jedi camp on Tattoine, Master Obi-Wan took us bantha tipping after Master Yoda fell asleep... oop, I mean "meditated."

J. Sandstormer said...

Bantha-tipping is very dangerous. If you give them less than 15% they may rampage.

Anonymous said...

Less than 15 degrees and they don't fall over, but they do wake up. Then you're in big trouble

J. Sandstormer said...

Less than 15 degrees, and they freeze.