Let's try that again

I'll tell you why I started this blog: I need to get a few things off my chest. It's not easy living out in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes the people around you are precisely the ones you want to complain about. Or they don't want to talk about the same things you do. Or they're just crazy.

For example, just the other day I asked my neighbor what he thought of Emperor Dumbass's proposal to open "security stations" near major spaceports in the outer rim planets, including Tatooine. Do you know what that moron (my neighbor, I mean, not the Emperor) said? "It's got nothing to do with me." Oh yeah? I can see why he'd say that, since he almost never even leaves his own property, but let's see what he thinks when the Empire starts taxing us for that "security." We don't even have representation in the Empire's government. Not that it would do us any good if we did.

But Lars is not the world's greatest conversationalist to begin with. And I'd like to say more about that, but right now I need to go check the 'vaporators.


JP Burke said...

Don't get me started.

J. Sandstormer said...

Here's what else. These "security stations" are for the Empire's security, not ours. If the Emperor cared about our security, he'd do something about local problems, like the Hutts or the Sandpeople. Or education. Or transportation... eh. Don't get me started.